Dive deeper with EP Equipment into EP’s Anji factory north district, where the fusion of automation technology, precision engineering, and comprehensive quality control gives birth to exceptional material handling equipment. This factory is also the industry’s first intelligent factory with digital and manufacturing integration from the production and material management processes. From the division to digitalized assembly lines, from testing to distributed warehouse, each sections of this plant show EP’s ideology to promote productivity.

With an annual production capacity of 300,000 trucks and continuously innovating and improving products, what are the secrets to success beyond the assistance of intelligent technologies?

Forklift Division: Where Precision Meets Performance

Have you ever wonder how EP’s iconic EFL series are produced? The forklift divison in Anji factory north district is the birthplace of EP’s highlighted lithium-ion forklifts. The division features multiple assembly lines, including one for forklift overhead guards and two for mast production. The chassis production line integrates control and hydraulic systems. After assembly, forklifts undergo rigorous forklift calibration testings, include burnishing, chassis strength, wheels and brake test, mast and motor performance and more to ensure quality, safety, and performance. Combining with DAS system, test data generation and entry are automated enables comprehensive tracking and analysis.

The division also includes a dual-drive production line and advanced material storage systems, utilizing automated X-movers for efficient inventory management. The facility’s focus on innovation, efficiency, and quality results in top-quality forklifts.

The Epitome of Digitalized Assembly

EP started by pioneering the light duty electric pallet truck EPT20-15ET, and later launched the innovative F series, demonstrating its dedication to innovation through simplicity. Experience EP’s pallet trucks assembly line, a hub of digitalized precision,where the F series, EZ series and EX series li-ion trucks are produced. Aside from automated assembly line, EP conducts several testing and examination while producing to ensure product quality.

Imagine you’re in a sound-proof testing room, where the latest electric pallet truck model is being put through its paces without external noise interference: loading and unloading test, drive wheel travel speed test, button function test, and finally the noise test are done in this space. That is our engineers’ daily routine to carefully evaluate every aspect of the trucks.

Comprehensive Quality Assurance: Testing in EP

Indoor and Outdoor Testing Center

The Testing Center is a beacon of reliability and safety. With 12 specialized labs, xx ramps and 7 test areas for vibration testing, lithium battery performance, and motor reliability, etc, each tests undergo a standardized testing regime. By subjecting the equipment to these tests, EP can identify and eliminate potential issues and provide customers with reliable products.

EP operators testing forklifts on a ramp outdoor.

Cold Storage Testing

The cold storage test area indicates EP’s commitment to quality. Here, trucks undergo rigorous testing to ensure reliability in harsh cold storage environments around -20 degrees celsius.

End Distribution Center:Automation and Efficiency

How does EP manage to carry out its work in such an orderly manner despite the large shipping volume? The Distribution Center is the answer to the question, the final frontier of EP’s manufacturing process. Industrial cameras and X-movers work together to unload, inspect, and distribute materials seamlessly. The compatibility of EP’s DAS system combining with barcode systems streamlines the logistics process, showcasing EP’s commitment to operational productivity.

EP factory's distribution center.

EP: Driving Innovation and Productivity from Within

As we look to the future, EP is excited to continue our journey of enhancing our manufacturing technology to meet customers’ expectation by delivering top-quality equipment.

We firmly believe that innovative&productive manufacturing and innovative&productive product is symbiotic. EP will prioritize the continuous improvement of our manufacturing capabilities, ensuring they remain at the forefront of innovation and customer satisfaction.