Client History and Pain Points

Meet Vattanac Brewery, Cambodia’s go-to beer producer since 2014. Behind the scenes of booming business, Vattanac Brewery has been facing a problem: their outdated fleet of forklifts was holding them back. These old-timers were causing headaches in the warehouse, slowing down operations, and racking up maintenance costs. Vattanac Brewery knew they needed a change – they need premium quality forklift trucks that can handle the busy schedules & heavy workloads in the warehouse, and in the meantime, still aligning with their commitment to sustainability.

Our Mission: Boosting Efficiency, Cutting Costs, and Going Green

Vattanac Brewery had clear goals in mind: increase productivity, lower operating expenses, and embrace sustainability. They needed a forklift fleet that could keep up with their bustling warehouse while staying eco-friendly.

Finding the Perfect Solution – Electric Forklifts by EP

Thanks to the guidance of Warehouse Solution Specialized Co., Ltd., the transition to EP’s electric forklifts was seamless. Their expert training ensured Vattanac Brewery’s operators were equipped to handle the new equipment safely and efficiently.

Forklift trucks by EP.

Good Results and Customer Testimonial

EP’s EFL303 at Vattanac Brewery has brought significant benefits:

  • Improved Efficiency: The powerful 80V lithium battery with AC drive motors provides high performance to long-distance transportation, improving goods turnover efficiency. With its opportunity charging, the EFL303 can meet maximized operation and minimized downtime.
  • Clean and Sustainable: The lithium power source ensures clean and sustainable production practices. With zero carbon and acid emission, it not only protects workers’ health and workplace hygiene, also perfectly meets with Vattanac Brewery’s commitment to environmental responsibility.
  • Operating Costs Saved: Eliminating diesel fuel and cutting down on maintenance costs has resulted in significant cost savings for the brewery.
  • Comfortable and Safe Operation: As the upgrade version, the EFL303 features user-centered configurations for fatigue-free and safe operation like more spacious legroom, LED display, telematics, OPS system.

“EP’s EFL303 trucks have been a game-changer for our brewery,” commented Mr. Sok, Warehouse Manager at Vattanac Brewery. “We have seen enormous efficiency, cost savings, and sustainability with greater safety for our staff. The service and expertise of Warehouse Solution Specialized Co,.ltd and EP team have been invaluable throughout the implementation process.”

Ready to Optimize Your Warehouse Operations?

This partnership has illuminated the trans-formative power of implementing EP’s lithium-ion electric forklifts in a thriving brewery setting. The efficiency, cost savings, and sustainability are well outlined for a company to be set on further victory in the competitive beer industry.

Businesses that find themselves in the same boat can learn from Vattanac Brewery’s success story and consider investing in advanced electric material handling solutions offered by EP. By partnering with EP Equipment to fulfill their material handling needs, companies will soar to new heights while contributing to a greener future.