In modern logistics, safety, cost-effectiveness, and efficiency are keys. Yet, many logistics centers face significant challenges: limited battery life of handling equipment, safety concerns with charging, and the struggle to go green without slowing everything down. These issues often result in reduced efficiency and increased costs. How can modern logistics centers overcome these challenges?

Providing you with the optimal solution, EP’s latest X4 series features innovative manual-swap battery packs and reduces your limitations in modern logistics scenarios.

24/7 Operation at Hangzhou Transfar Logistics Center

The Hangzhou Transfar Logistics Center, one of the biggest logistics centers in the Yangtze delta region, handles tens of thousands of tons of goods daily. They required a solution that prioritized safety and efficiency while meeting environmental standards.

“We started with IC forklifts, which were noisy, costly, and polluting. Then we switched to regular electric forklifts, but charging was inconvenient and interrupted our busy operations.” Mr. Li, a business owner at the center, explains.


EP implemented a comprehensive material handling solution for the logistics center including over 50 units of X4 series forklifts and the charging stations specifically designed for X4 forklifts batteries. The X4’s lightweight battery packs are designed with handles for easy and effortless handling, allowing for easy and quick 2-minute power replenishment. This plug-and-play solution enables continuous operation without compromising efficiency.

Multiple charging stations are centralized and powered by the center’s existing solar infrastructure, without extra power grid infrastructure. This centralization significantly reduces the safety risks associated with dispersed charging by individual user, especially in a crowded environment filled with goods and packages.


  • Zero downtime even during the peak hours
  • Fast implementation with no infrastructural modification
  • Reduced operational costs including no fuel fees and lower maintenance costs
  • Significantly reduced safety risks through centralized off-site charging
  • Improved operator comfort due to low-noise and zero-emission operation

A Win-win Business Mode for Shandong Logistics Center

Management side and logistics business owners in a major logistics center in Shandong faced multiple operational challenges, including high maintenance issues with IC trucks, noise and air pollution, need for efficient power management, and balancing individual user internal charging convenience with overall safety.


EP deployed its innovative package of “X4s + Dedicated charging stations + EP Energy storage cabinets. In addition to off-site charging and manual swaps, the solution also included EP Energy storage cabinets that charge during off-peak hours at night, ensuring low-cost power supply for the charging stations. Telematics system with display shows real-time fleet power consumption and battery charging status. All relied on the existing power grid and required no modification.



While individual users appreciated the flexibility of charging anywhere, the management found value in centralized off-site charging for safety and efficiency. The X4 package successfully addressed both perspectives, providing a win-win situation. Charging safety, continuous operation and low costs could be achieved at the same time. By the way, it’s eco-friendly.


centralized charging station

EP’s Centralized Charging Stations

Innovation. Revolution. Repeat.

EP’s X4 series solution adapts to these logistics centers regardless of their specific operational contexts. By addressing key challenges in modern logistics – from safety, cost-effectiveness and efficiency to sustainability, the X4 is a no-brainer with its manual-swap battery packs and off-site charging station.

EP has a strong track record of driving industry transformation, from the EPT20-15ET, which pioneered a new category of “entry-level electric warehousing tools” , to the IC-to-Electric EFL Series, introducing an entirely new green concept by combining IC chassis and lithium battery core.

Now, the X4 series represents the next revolution. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain a competitive edge and transform your operations–join the revolution and lead the industry into a safer, easier and more efficient future.