XP15 CoBot

Versatile autonomous mobile robot that seamlessly switches between automated and manual modes, enhancing efficiency in warehouse tasks.

About the XP15 AMR

The XP15 AMR (Autonomous Mobile Robot) from EP Equipment is a cutting-edge solution designed to streamline and enhance warehouse operations. With a focus on simplicity and versatility, the XP15 offers easy installation, intuitive navigation, and straightforward programming.

What sets it apart is the ability to switch between autonomous and manual modes, allowing operators to use it as a conventional pallet truck when needed. This flexibility makes it an ideal assistant in repetitive tasks and improving efficiency and utilisation of human resource.

 The XP15 exemplifies EP’s commitment to innovation and practical, user-friendly design in the automation sector​.

Key highlights

The XP15 stands out for its simplicity, cost-effectiveness, and ease of use, making it an ideal choice for factories and logistics operations without the typical delays and issues with normal automation projects.

Quick & Easy Setup

Basic tasks can be configured within one hour, with ultra simple and easy procedure.

Continuous Performance

With our in-house developed technology, this AMR provides a reliable & continuous performance.


The XP15 is a “personal CoBot” that democratises AMR technology for versatile on-site applications.

Low Cost

At a price of 25.000€, this is the cheapest AMR in the market. Just a little more expensive than a normal lithium ion pallet truck. Available from stock. Just order and start, you can be running within a day. EP makes the AMR a commodity product and changes the market. Again, rental options are available from 995€ per month.


The base of the XP15 is a manually operated electric pallet truck. In addition, the truck drives automated tasks. Let the CoBot cover A-B-A transportation, free the stuff from repetitive tasks, and allow them to focus on more skilled and value-added tasks.

The CoBot can drive on rough floors, operate outdoor, navigate narrow aisles, pick up closed pallets, negotiate slopes and pass doorways. It can also be used as a normal pallet truck when needed. Just take the truck, pick up or drop off the pallet and with the push of a button, it will continue the automation task.

Unique & Simple 2D Navigation

The XP15 AMR uses an in-house developed 2D visual navigation technology. It navigates by the stars: The AMR finds its navigation points on the roof. Once it runs, it runs, since the roof does not change and is always free of obstacles. With absolute precise positioning, the robot always knows its position and can find the way back.

The navigation system is the key to the simple use and price level. This is a leapfrog technology that allows a new style of set up and usage. Additional benefit of navigation by the roof is that the view is free of obstacles.

Easy Implementation - Plug & Play

  • Standalone, no WMS or network connection, no infrastructure needed.
  • Easy learning with the intuitive app.
  • Easy change or expansion of routes.
  • Quick implementation in 1 day.
This CoBot is a product, not a project.

Sushi Bar, Bus Stop, Taxi Mode

Every application in an assembly plant can be streamlined with the XP15 AMR.

Imagine a pallet truck autonomously transporting carts, boxes, and pallets from the warehouse to workstations, moving finished goods back to the warehouse, or delivering items from point to point at the push of a button.

This automation simplifies logistics and enhances efficiency throughout the production process.

Expert Options

While we always try to keep it simple and we always start from 1 robot with 1 task, there is more the XP15 can do. With the help of a local expert or system integrator, we can push the boundaries.

We can explore advanced functionalities such as Multi robot Operations, Traffic control, Multi tasking, Column loading / Block stacking, sequential loading, and integration features like Call-box to summon the robot to your work station, or M2M communication.


EP’s in-house developed navigation technology makes the XP15 a simple and low cost AMR. With 2D navigation and absolute positioning, the vehicle knows its position at all times to proceed its path.
XP15 Datasheet - English
XP15 Datasheet - French
XP15 Datasheet - German
XP15 Datasheet - Spanish
XP15 Datasheet - Dutch
XP15 Datasheet - Italian


Learn how the XP15 can streamline your operations, enhance efficiency, and revolutionise your warehouse workflow.
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