{"id":88616,"date":"2023-09-21T11:49:20","date_gmt":"2023-09-21T11:49:20","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/ep-equipment.com\/blog\/2023\/09\/21\/interview-with-stephanie-vasquez-female-leadership-in-material-handling\/"},"modified":"2024-02-13T13:16:29","modified_gmt":"2024-02-13T13:16:29","slug":"interview-with-stephanie-vasquez-female-leadership-in-material-handling","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/ep-equipment.com\/en-us\/blog\/2023\/09\/21\/interview-with-stephanie-vasquez-female-leadership-in-material-handling\/","title":{"rendered":"Meet Stephanie Vasquez – Female Leadership in Material Handling"},"content":{"rendered":"

Stephanie \u00bfqui\u00e9n eres? H\u00e1blanos de ti.<\/h2>\n

Stephanie, who are you? Tell us about yourself.<\/h2>\n

Me considero una persona entusiasta, so\u00f1adora y muy determinada en el logro de mis objetivos. Estudi\u00e9 la carrera de marketing en la Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola en Per\u00fa y cuento con m\u00e1s de 10 a\u00f1os de experiencia en ventas y mercadeo. El a\u00f1o 2019 asum\u00ed la Gerencia General de la empresa MAQ DEPOT y desde entonces me complace poder ejercer en uno de los rubros que m\u00e1s me apasionan, la log\u00edstica. Soy casada y tengo 3 hermosos ni\u00f1os.<\/p>\n

I consider myself an enthusiastic person, a dreamer and very determined to achieve my goals. I studied marketing at San Ignacio de Loyola University in Peru and I have more than 10 years of experience in sales and marketing. In 2019 I became the General Manager of MAQ DEPOT and since then I am pleased to be able to work in one of the areas I am most passionate about, logistics. I am married and have 3 beautiful children.<\/p>\n

H\u00e1blenos de su empresa, MAQ Depot.<\/h2>\n

Tell us about your company, MAQ Depot.<\/h2>\n

MAQ DEPOT es una empresa dedicada a brindar soluciones integrales para almacenes. Actualmente contamos con 3 unidades de negocio, Venta y Alquiler de equipos para movimientos de carga, como Montacargas, Apiladores y Transpaletas. Servicio de Mantenimiento Multimarca, realizamos mantenimientos preventivos y correctivos que aseguran el cuidado de los equipos y su durabilidad. Tambi\u00e9n contamos con un \u00e1rea especializada en dise\u00f1ar y ejecutar proyectos de Sistemas de Almacenamiento, desde los m\u00e1s convencionales hasta los automatizados.<\/p>\n

MAQ DEPOT is a company dedicated to providing integrated solutions for warehouses. We currently have 3 business units, Sale and Rental of equipment for material handling, such as Forklifts, Stackers and Pallet Trucks. Multibrand Maintenance Service, we perform preventive and corrective maintenance to ensure the care of the equipment and its durability. We also have an area specialised in designing and executing Storage Systems projects, from the most conventional to the automated ones.<\/p>\n

\u00bfCu\u00e1ndo tuvo su primer contacto con la industria de la manipulaci\u00f3n de materiales?<\/h2>\n

When did you first come in touch with the materials handling industry?<\/h2>\n

Hace aproximadamente 15 a\u00f1os, cuando asist\u00eda a eventos relacionados a equipos de manipulaci\u00f3n de carga fuera del Per\u00fa.<\/p>\n

Approximately 15 years ago, when I was attending events related to cargo handling equipment outside of Peru.<\/p>\n

\u00bfQu\u00e9 fue lo que m\u00e1s le gust\u00f3 de esta industria al principio?<\/h2>\n

What did you like most about this industry at the beginning?<\/h2>\n

Me llam\u00f3 la atenci\u00f3n su dinamismo y lo indispensable que son estos productos en casi todas las industrias, son piezas claves en cada operaci\u00f3n y juegan un rol muy importante dentro de la cadena log\u00edstica. Adem\u00e1s, me caus\u00f3 mucha curiosidad que este sea un rubro mayormente masculino, vi una gran oportunidad de poder destacar como una mujer empresaria.<\/p>\n

I was struck by its dynamism and how indispensable these products are in almost every industry; they are key pieces in every operation and play a very important role in the logistics chain. Also, I was very curious that this is a mostly male field, I saw a great opportunity to stand out as a woman entrepreneur.<\/p>\n

\u00bfQu\u00e9 piensa de EP Equipment? \u00bfC\u00f3mo se integra EP en el mercado peruano?<\/h2>\n

What do you think about EP Equipment? How does EP fit in the Peruvian market?<\/h2>\n

EP Equipment es una gran empresa con la que venimos trabajando hace casi 1 d\u00e9cada. Tambi\u00e9n es uno de los l\u00edderes del mercado mundial posicion\u00e1ndose as\u00ed entre las 11 mejores empresas proveedoras de equipos para movimiento de carga. Con respecto al mercado peruano, este requiere equipos que ofrezcan soluciones eficientes y accesibles, esto va a depender en gran medida de lo que cada empresa considere valioso para sus clientes. Definitivamente cada mercado es distinto y el peruano en particular requiere de socios estrat\u00e9gicos que ofrezcan productos que vengan acompa\u00f1ados de un excelente servicio post venta. Una pronta respuesta marcar\u00e1 la diferencia. El soporte que nos brinda EP Equipment es fundamental para que este proceso sea exitoso.<\/p>\n

EP Equipment is a great company that we have been working with for almost a decade. It is also one of the world market leaders, positioning itself among the top 11 suppliers of load moving equipment. The Peruvian market requires equipment that offers efficient and affordable solutions, this will depend largely on what each company considers valuable for its customers. Each market is definitely different and the Peruvian market in particular requires strategic partners that offer products that are accompanied by excellent after-sales service. A prompt response will make the difference. The support provided by EP Equipment is essential for this process to be successful.<\/p>\n


\u00bfQu\u00e9 productos funcionan mejor en el mercado? \u00bfCu\u00e1les son sus caracter\u00edsticas favoritas?<\/h2>\n

What products work best in the market? What are your favorite features?<\/h2>\n

Montacargas y Apiladores el\u00e9ctricos. Personalmente prefiero elegir en nuestros equipos las siguientes caracter\u00edsticas: Eficiencia, Seguridad y una Tecnolog\u00eda que nos permita cuidar el medio ambiente. En MAQ tenemos el compromiso de colaborar con nuestros clientes en la reducci\u00f3n de su huella de carbono.<\/p>\n

Forklifts and Electric Stackers. Personally I prefer to choose the following features in our equipment: Efficiency, Safety and a Technology that allows us to take care of the environment. In MAQ we are committed to collaborate with our customers in reducing their carbon footprint.<\/p>\n

Durante tu tiempo en MAQ, \u00bfcu\u00e1les son tus proyectos m\u00e1s destacados, \u00bfqu\u00e9 has aprendido de ellos?<\/h2>\n

During your time at MAQ, what are your most outstanding projects, what have you learned from them?<\/h2>\n

Considero que mi mejor proyecto es y contin\u00faa siendo MAQ. \u00bfPor qu\u00e9? Porque tuve la posibilidad de sacar adelante una nueva empresa que se enfocara en el servicio y la cercan\u00eda con sus clientes, misma que hasta el d\u00eda de hoy contin\u00faa creciendo a buen ritmo y que est\u00e1 convirti\u00e9ndose en la marca preferida del mercado peruano porque siempre estamos atentos a las necesidades, cambios y tendencias del mercado. Logr\u00e9 posicionar la marca a trav\u00e9s de soluciones integrales en las diferentes unidades de negocio que manejamos, incursionando con mucha fuerza en el sector agroindustrial durante le \u00e9poca de pandemia en el a\u00f1o 2020. Desarrollamos cambios, mejoras e implementaciones en nuestros equipos de acuerdo a las necesidades identificadas en los diferentes sectores del mercado peruano. Desde este punto enfatizamos la pol\u00edtica de ASESORIAMIENTO Y BUSQUEDA DE SOLUCIONES. Considero que hasta ahora MAQ sigue siendo el gran proyecto de mi carrera profesional, crear y lograr mantener est\u00e1ndares de calidad para nuestros clientes y a la misma vez cuidar de nuestro personal es nuestro principal objetivo. Somos una empresa que cuida mucho de sus colaboradores porque entendemos que ellos y el trabajo en equipo que desarrollan son nuestra gran fortaleza. Estos a\u00f1os liderando MAQ me han ense\u00f1ado sobre resiliencia, adaptabilidad a los cambios, humildad y servicio.<\/p>\n

I consider that my best project is and remains MAQ. Why? Because I had the opportunity to take forward a new company that focused on service and closeness to its customers, which to this day continues to grow at a good pace and is becoming the preferred brand in the Peruvian market because we are always attentive to the needs, changes and market trends. I managed to position the brand through integral solutions in the different business units that we manage, making a strong incursion into the agro-industrial sector during the pandemic season in 2020. We develop changes, improvements and implementations in our equipment according to the needs identified in the different sectors of the Peruvian market. From this point we emphasize the policy of ADVICE AND SEARCH FOR SOLUTIONS. I consider that until now MAQ continues to be the great project of my professional career, creating and maintaining quality standards for our clients and at the same time taking care of our staff is our main objective. We are a company that takes great care of its employees because we understand that they and the teamwork they develop are our great strength. These years leading MAQ have taught me about resilience, adaptability to change, humility and service.<\/p>\n

H\u00e1blenos de su experiencia en esta industria dominada por los hombres. \u00bfQu\u00e9 ventajas crees que tienen las mujeres l\u00edderes sobre los hombres l\u00edderes?<\/h2>\n

Tell us about your experience in this male dominated industry. What advantages do you think female leaders have over male leaders?<\/h2>\n

M\u00e1s que hablar sobre las ventajas de un g\u00e9nero particular sobre un sector espec\u00edfico, preferir\u00eda mencionar a la mujer como una figura que hoy asume nuevos roles en altos cargos y en una industria que desde sus inicios estuvo liderada por el g\u00e9nero masculino ya que se lo relaciona con el trabajo f\u00edsico. Esto sin lugar a duda representa una evoluci\u00f3n en el rubro debido a la diversidad de perspectivas, experiencias y conocimiento y que a su vez permite continuar trabajando en reducir la brecha de desigualdad. Las mujeres podemos ser muy buenas en todo lo que nos propongamos, tal como cualquier hombre.<\/p>\n

Rather than talking about the advantages of a particular gender over a specific sector, I would prefer to mention women as a figure that today assumes new roles in high positions and in an industry that since its beginnings has been led by the male gender because it is related to physical work. This undoubtedly represents an evolution in the industry due to the diversity of perspectives, experiences and knowledge, which in turn allows us to continue working on reducing the inequality gap. Women can be very good at whatever we set our minds to, just like any man.<\/p>\n

\u00bfC\u00f3mo animar\u00eda y apoyar\u00eda a otras mujeres interesadas en desempe\u00f1ar funciones de liderazgo en el sector de la manipulaci\u00f3n de materiales o industrias afines?<\/h2>\n

How would you encourage, and support other women interested in pursuing leadership roles within material handling or related industries?<\/h2>\n

Considero que en general, cualquier empresa puede fomentar el liderazgo de las mujeres en esta industria, siempre que est\u00e9n dispuestas a brindarles las herramientas necesarias para su desarrollo profesional a trav\u00e9s de una cultura basada en oportunidad de igualdad de g\u00e9nero.<\/p>\n

I believe that in general, any company can encourage women’s leadership in this industry, as long as they are willing to provide them with the necessary tools for their professional development through a culture based on gender equality opportunities.<\/p>\n

\u00bfCu\u00e1l es su visi\u00f3n del futuro de la industria de la manipulaci\u00f3n de materiales? \u00bfC\u00f3mo piensa contribuir a esta visi\u00f3n?<\/h2>\n

What is your vision for the future of the material handling industry? How do you plan to contribute to this vision?<\/h2>\n

Las mujeres tenemos mucho que aportar a esta maravillosa industria, no digo que sea f\u00e1cil, porque considero que puede ser mucho m\u00e1s retadora que otras y eso a veces asusta un poco, sin embargo, una vez que est\u00e1s dentro puedes observar un infinito de oportunidades para crecer, hacer, mejorar e innovar. En MAQ tenemos el prop\u00f3sito de continuar apoyando a las mujeres a trav\u00e9s de los roles que desempe\u00f1an, brind\u00e1ndoles un espacio donde puedan sentirse seguras de s\u00ed mismas, un lugar que les permita crecer sin miedo a sentirse empoderadas. Mi misi\u00f3n es que todas sepan que pueden ser mujeres exitosas si se lo proponen.<\/p>\n

Women have a lot to contribute to this wonderful industry, I’m not saying it’s easy, because I think it can be much more challenging than others and that can sometimes be a bit scary, however, once you are in it you can see endless opportunities to grow, do, improve and innovate. At MAQ we aim to continue to support women through the roles they play, providing them with a space where they can feel confident, a place that allows them to grow without fear of feeling empowered. My mission is for everyone to know that they can be successful women if they set their minds to it.<\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

Discover Stephanie’s inspiring journey, paving the way for women in the logistics industry. Join her in shaping the future!<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":12,"featured_media":88617,"comment_status":"closed","ping_status":"closed","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"_acf_changed":false,"_seopress_robots_primary_cat":"none","_seopress_titles_title":"EP Equipment | Female Leadership in EP","_seopress_titles_desc":"Meet Stephanie, a visionary leader in the material handling industry, breaking barriers and empowering women in logistics. Learn about her insights.","_seopress_robots_index":"","_et_pb_use_builder":"","_et_pb_old_content":"","_et_gb_content_width":"","footnotes":""},"categories":[279],"tags":[],"class_list":["post-88616","post","type-post","status-publish","format-standard","has-post-thumbnail","hentry","category-news-en-us"],"acf":[],"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/ep-equipment.com\/en-us\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/88616","targetHints":{"allow":["GET"]}}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/ep-equipment.com\/en-us\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/ep-equipment.com\/en-us\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/post"}],"author":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/ep-equipment.com\/en-us\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/users\/12"}],"replies":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/ep-equipment.com\/en-us\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/comments?post=88616"}],"version-history":[{"count":2,"href":"https:\/\/ep-equipment.com\/en-us\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/88616\/revisions"}],"predecessor-version":[{"id":98671,"href":"https:\/\/ep-equipment.com\/en-us\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/88616\/revisions\/98671"}],"wp:featuredmedia":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/ep-equipment.com\/en-us\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media\/88617"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/ep-equipment.com\/en-us\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=88616"}],"wp:term":[{"taxonomy":"category","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/ep-equipment.com\/en-us\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/categories?post=88616"},{"taxonomy":"post_tag","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/ep-equipment.com\/en-us\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/tags?post=88616"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}